
Film of The Week : The Ultimate Chemtruth

With recent changes in the climate, and odd occurrences in the air; this will answer many of those questions.
They control more then you believe.
The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation

This updated hard-hitting video presentation compiles several of the most recent reports on Chemtrails, and the epidemic outbreak of Morgellon's disease coast to coast. The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH version contains extended news coverage, and other information which anybody interested in knowing the truth about Chemtrails must not miss!! Politically aware individuals will understand the connection between this documented activity, and the proven 'End Game' theories of patriots such as Alex Jones, Anthony J. Hilder, Phil Schneider (RIP), and many others, as well as the 'Zeitgeist' religious conspiracy (which has been carried out upon humanity for millennium by the apex echelon of dynastic elite). This is the time for the powerful creative forces of good, inner light, and love to take back this space, this time, and this place. Be a Beacon of Love, and a Warrior of Truth. And like a warrior, ACT - do something! Get involved! Now, it is up to us! Awaken to Awareness, and Behold!
American Freedom Fighter Productions

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