
The Body Art Exibition by Stubborn Davis

By: Stubborn for Life

Yes we are making history. This is an event that has never been done.
There has been tattoo convention, car shows, hip hop shows, exhibits
and even Latin Festivals....etc. But never an ALL Latino event like
this, this is focused on Latino unity through arts and music, at least
not this type of art or this type of music. Being the biggest advocate
for people with tattoos my focus is to bring tolerance and social
acceptance to the art work and real hip hop that goes hand in hand
because both are a form of expression of our day to day struggles,
challenges, anger, joys, passions, sorrows and even love for our
family, our gente and our culture.

Working in an office
environment I have dealt with all form of racism, discrimination and of
course judgment based on my appearance and my ink. For some odd reason
society thinks that the ink in our skin defines our social status,
character, personality and even our level of intelligence. So we now
have that opportunity to show those that don't understand, the
positive, meaningful and cultural side to what we embrace.

I have worked countless hours contacting "upscale" galleries, museums,
the media, corporate people and inviting those that probably would
never take the time to listen to our stories. Just today I spoke with
people from CNN and although I can't promise they will be there. I can
assure you that even they were impressed with the line up and the way
things were set up. So let's think positive and feel confident that
they will be there to cover this event.

I look forward
to the day of the event and having this go down in history as the FIRST
OF IT'S KIND! Thank you all for being part of it and you too will hold
such title.


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