
Evolution of the Wise

Note: This is not about the theory of evolution (one-cell organism to civilization) or to debate science and religion. It is merely food for thought about intelligence so, don't give me shit if you don't believe we came from a monkey.


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The monkey is curious like George. Curiosity is a chain-drug, a question that leads to a search for answers. Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How is what we come to know as curiosity. If you ask, you are curious and want more. As children we are quite annoying when asking "too many" questions. It is the human desire for knowledge and adaptation that makes us ask these questions. Of course we grow out of that and become adapted to not be annoying. Society has become conformed to that belief that the child asking "too many" questions is annoying. For example; a television comedy. A young girl keeps asking her father why after every response, the more she asks the more the father is annoyed and the funnier it seems to be. I laugh too so don't feel bad but, that scene is what gets to society.

We are no longer monkeys, right? We certainly have evolved intellectually. FYI, I feel sorry for you if you said no. The monkey can not get passed his curiosity throughout age. Studies have shown that what sets us apart from monkeys is not the ability to learn but, the desire to teach in order to start the process once more. Mentally, a monkey will always be equivalent to a human adolescent. As our minds evolved we became addicted to knowledge and search for knowledge. Today science and technology has brought together so much knowledge that we don't have to ask questions except where to find those sources of knowledge. This is where I would make my corny joke.

"Whose the one with the answers? Who man? Who? Oh yes. The Human, that's you man." FYI, I feel even more sorry for you if you laughed at that.

Even as the humans we are today, our minds evolve through age. The more knowledge we collect, the more intelligent we become. Unfortunately, not just knowledge through books cuts it these days. Streets smarts teaches you something more than a book can, it teaches you about the times. Those combined smarts creates the highest level of intelligence known to man, that is the Wise Man. What differentiates streets smarts from book smarts is the fact that time is always changing and a book shall always provide the same knowledge. Since time changes, so does the knowledge brought by time.

What is a Wise Man? A Wise Man is someone who dares to ask "Why." Those "Why's" does not necessarily man him a wise man, it makes him a "Whys Man." Difference is that the Wise Man has found out Why and the Whys Man is still searching. While a nerd can recite the periodic table of elements, he can not tell you WHY the world is so fucked up. The nerd knows only what the books can provide.

This Millennium has not been good to humanity as of late. The Wise has become an endangered species. No one cares to ask why anymore. If they do they let it pass and forget about it. Humanities next step in evolution of the wise is not a positive one. We would be making better strides if we devolved. I provided the image above so you can see what are become, call it a prophetic image of human evolution. We are fat, slow, lazy, and unwise thanks to the American way of life. Don't turn into a fucking pig, dare to ask why and find the answers. Be human and teach others what you have learned. Become a Wise Man, for the world needs it.

This food for though blog has been brought to you by;

M3ky the "Why?s Child"
Guerrilla Republik Milwaukee

1 comment:

  1. Kudos to you my friend, people have become passive learners rather than active learners. They just absorb what is thought to them without analyzing and making the connection as to why it works the way it does.

