
Açaí Berry

Acai Berry Benefits

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Recent media coverage by the Oprah Winfrey Show, Rachael Ray, ABC, NBC and CBS shows have touted the many benefits of acai. And doctors and celebrities have heralded acai as the number 1 Superfood. The extremely high concentration of antioxidants, omega fatty acids, amino acids, fiber and other nutrients are the reason this superfood has so many benefits. In summary, here are just some of the many benefits that acai berry can help with:

* Promote weight loss
* Increase energy and stamina
* Fight heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases
* Boost the immune system
* Improve the digestive system
* Reduce the effects of aging
* Improve vision
* Increase sex drive

Promote Weight Loss

Acai Berry Weight Loss
Acai has an extremely high concentration of fiber and omega fatty acids. It also contains a healthy dose of amino acids, carbohydrates and vitamins. These nutrients have been shown to:

* suppress appetite
* reduce accumulation of body fat
* boost metabolism
* increase energy and stamina

Approximately 40% of the acai fruit is fiber. There are many benefits from fiber. Since fiber tends to make a meal feel larger and linger longer, it acts as a natural appetite suppressant. And since it helps stabilize blood sugar, it helps keep energy levels stable and higher by preventing sugar crashes. This also helps reduce accumulation of body fat by preventing insulin spikes which can turn excess blood sugar into fat tissue.

The omega fatty acids, fiber, amino acids and vitamins in acai can also help to boost metabolism. And a boost in metabolism can help burn more calories — even at rest.

Combined with a proper diet and exercise, the various nutrients in acai can be a great aid to weight loss and better overall health.

Read more about diet and weight loss.
Increase Energy and Stamina

Acai Berry Diet Acai has become legendary among Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters, top surfers and other athletes for it’s ability to boost energy and increase stamina. Legendary Jiu-Jitsu fighters Carlos and Royce Gracie have used acai to propel them to multiple UFC and other championships. And 6 time world champion surfer Kelly Slater made acai an important part of his diet. If world class athletes can use acai to boost energy and stamina in competition, it can certainly help you with your training or exercise regimen. And the more energy you have, the more calories you can burn in your workout.

The right combination of nutrients eaten at regular intervals will help keep energy levels high. And the high concentration of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats in acai help to fuel activity while the high concentration of fiber helps to regulate blood sugar levels and keep energy levels higher for longer.
Fight heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other diseases

Perhaps one of the main reasons that acai is considered the number one Superfood is because of the nutrients that help prevent diseases and help promote general health. Acai contains one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants, omega fatty acids, other good fats and fiber of any food. And these nutrients can reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other diseases. For example, the high concentration of antioxidants are thought to help prevent Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, neurodegenerative diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and other diseases. The high concentration of fiber and beta-sitosterol can lower blood cholesterol. Fiber also helps to lower glucose levels which can help prevent diabetes. And oleic acid, an omega 9 fatty acid which is the chief component of olive oil, can reduce blood pressure. A recent University of Florida study has even linked consumption of acai to prevention of leukemia! With high concentrations of nutrients which help combat many diseases, it’s easy to see why acai is considered by many to be the number one superfood.

Read more about acai nutritional information.
Boost the immune system

The immune system protects against diseases and pathogens like viruses, bacteria and parasites through the use of mechanisms like enzymes, good bacteria, proteins, cells, organs, tissues, etc. The high concentration of antioxidants and other nutrients in the acai berry can help bolster the immune system by contributing to the healthy function of those mechanisms which protect against pathogens.
Improve the digestive system

The high fiber content, enzymes and other nutrients in acai may not only help to reduce heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar, but they also aid in the proper functioning of the digestive system. The enzymes can aid in the digestion of food. And the fiber can help prevent hemorrhoids, irritable bowel syndrome and prevent or relieve constipation. The high fiber content in acai can help ensure that you get your recommended daily allowance of fiber and help maintain a healthy digestive system.
Reduce the effects of aging

In addition to helping prevent diseases, the high concentration of antioxidants in acai may help reduce the effects of aging. By minimizing damage to cells from free radicals, antioxidants may prevent the effects of aging caused by oxidative stress due to normal bodily function (e.g. exercise) or external causes like sun damage, pesticides, pollutants, cigarette smoke, etc. For example, vitamin E and other antioxidants are thought to help prevent skin damage due to sun exposure and other causes.
Improve vision

Anthocyanins and other antioxidants such as Vitamin A are thought to improve vision through various mechanisms. In fact, in World War II, British fighter pilots were thought to gain increased night vision through an intake of large amounts of bilberry. A later nutritional analysis attributed the vision improvement to anthocyanins and other antioxidants. And the old adage that carrots (high in Vitamin A and other antioxidants) may improve vision may have something to it as well.
Increase sex drive

Due to the increased energy and stamina, acai is considered by many to increase libido. Acai can also help reduce weight, improve heart health — all of which can help libido as well. And the abundance of “good” fats helps metabolize cholesterol and produce testosterone and estrogen. In fact, on a recent trip by NBC’s Matt Lauer to the Amazon, he was amused to find that acai berry was commonly referred to by natives as “Amazon Rainforest Viagra“.

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