
A Time for Peace & A Time for War! by Ivan Sanchez

Time for Peace & A Time for War!By Ivan Sanchez
It’s always a hard decision to make when you have to decide between sitting back quietly while allowing someone to take advantage of your kindness… and speaking out at the risk of making yourself look bad in the process of doing so.

As a youth advocate, I always have to be careful what kind of message I’m putting out there to the world… But in this instant, I felt it necessary to speak out as opposed to sit back and continue to be taken for a ride by a man who believed he could use threat tactics to silence me.

A week before I received the final copy of “It’s Just Begun,” in the mail… I was contacted by powerHouse that the legendary DJ Disco Wiz wanted me removed from the project. Seems I was “only” necessary to actually “write” the book… and then I became very dispensable…

I attended the book release party to prove a point that no one was going to keep me away from a celebration that I deserved to be at, since it did take two years of my life to see this book come to fruition. As the party wrapped so to did my friendship with DJ Disco Wiz and I decided to walk away quietly and peacefully…


I continued to read press on the book in which I am completely erased as the Author (co-author) of “It’s Just Begun…”

Even worse was Wiz misleading the public that he decided to write his life story, when in fact he wanted to write a hip hop poetry book… You can see him in his own words on the Bronx Talk video (http://bronxnet.fliggo.com/video/mcHhjfPw) stating that it was me who told him I was there to write his life story…

My next step was to reach out to the inner-circle for advice, guidance and to speak to Wiz about his actions… when that too failed… I decided it was time to go public and speak out against the bullying ways of DJ Disco Wiz…

Below is my open letter to Wiz along with his very intelligent and well thought out response! (Please don’t allow your children to read Wiz’s response as there are just a few explicatives used).

No matter what this does to my future friendships, working relationships, book projects and youth advocacy work… My decision to speak out is not an emotional one… It is a well thought out decision to shine a light on the way many of us treat one another when we feel we can get away with it… It’s my decision to speak out against wrong… and if I don’t… then the advice I give to the youth on a daily basis is nothing more than a farce…

(My letter to Wiz)

To DJ Disco Wiz,

Back in early 2007 you asked me to help you write a book. I had a lot of respect for who you were as a pioneer and I wanted to help another brother out… So I agreed immediately to help you… BEFORE I HAD ANY IDEA HOW POWERFUL YOUR STORY WAS! I did it out of love…

When we first sat down you showed me a collection of poetry and said you wanted to write almost like a “Hip Hop Meets Spoken Words” kind of book… But I told you I wasn’t there for that… I told you that I was there to write your life story – because we all had one…

And so the journey began…

I recall being yelled at by your wife because I wanted to write about your arrest for attempted murder… I also recall fighting very hard to write two chapters about your incarceration – one prior to your discovering yourself and one while on the road to redemption… I fought very hard to make this an honest memoir that people would respect… and it looks like I won the battle to put out a great book about your life – but I’m losing the war to be recognized for my tireless efforts…

In your own words you’ve stated, “It was very therapeutic.” And in your own words you’ve stated, “Ivan told me he wanted to write about my life,” but lately in your own words and the words of journalists who have interviewed you… you seem to have completely forgotten about the man who sacrificed two years of his life, hundreds of hours of travel, thousands of dollars and hundreds of lost hours of sleep actually penning your life story.

In all of the recent media on “In the Loop,” “Mun2,” “Village Voice,” and 30 minutes of interviews with powerHouse TV you fail to mention my name even once! How fucking sad is that???

You went from wanting to hide your incarceration to stating in the Village Voice, “The only reason I'm talking to you now is because I was quicker on the trigger." Fuck MEEEEEEEEEEE!! That sounds like a little bit of a glorification… Let me find out you’re hanging out with 50 Cent, Dipset and D-Block now…

I never asked for the spotlight Wiz… Frankly, I don’t need it… But it would be nice to have the person who you worked so hard for over the last two years recognize your hard work out of love, that same love that got you to where you are today.

I thought it was cute how I was kept from every microphone and tape-recorder in the building at the book release party… Well designed plan to erase a person from the history books…

Personally, I think you need an ego-check… But maybe that’s just me… For the record… I wish you nothing but the greatest of all success… even if there is no future in your frontin’…

- Ivan Sanchez

(DJ Disco Wiz's Response)


You Sad emotional ass crying little Motherfucking poor excuse of a Man!!!!


Stop dick riding MY FRIENDS!! I introduced you to everybody you so call run with Motherfucker!!

You ungrateful asshole!!!!!!!!

who the fuck do you think you are? Stay in your Lane kid!!! you right!! you can't hang with us you still wet and smell like fucking pussy!!!!!!!

Fake fucking youth advocate!! respect your fucking elders!!! And Keep my name out your dirty ass mouth!!

And BTW. I'm REALLY doing what real men do… Keeping it in the family…



DJ Disco Wiz
Trying to make peace for the good of the book, for the good of Latinos, for the good of life..

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