
Debating a so called lawyer on BLACK, Barack, Corporation

This is what happens when individuals think they are helping the people and society, not knowing that they are part of the problem.

This so called lawyer was upset about my statement about Barack Obama aka Barry was president of the corporation known as United States today and that he rarely says or seems to not even want to say that he is black. Since Barry was a constitution law student and also was a professor of law, I cant blame him if he does not want to, that agent knows better.

He responded to the video below:

So Called Lawyer:

DO you even know the definition of a corporation? Yes he is Black, but that is not all that defines him. What is so hard to understand?


Read what the United States Codes and Code of Federal Regulation that Barack Obama has to follow and know about since he is student of law and taught it, the problem is he is not telling you about it. Also read the Dred Scott Case and the U.S. constitution. Also he can not be Black, his alleged father was dark and his mother was a European, so technically he is a mulatto, he has melanin yes. Black is an adjective, what is an adjective. IF you think black is a color how can you be a color?

So Called Lawyer:

Yawn. I am a lawyer as well. But you obviously aren't. He can be Black. Black is not just a color. It is a name. A name that can be adopted by an ethnicity. The communists were the Reds, but they obviously weren't red. For whatever reason Afrodescent communities chose it, they adopted the term Black to refer to themselves. So a valid ethnic title.


Lol, this is going to be good. Then as a lawyer, you would know that anyone can be a lawyer, a lawyer is someone who is versed in law. what you mean is your an attorney, which means you have a B.A.R association card, and no where on there does it say lawyer. which also mean that you are an enemy to the people, you have an allegiance to the BAR, then the court only. Which mean you are committing treason. an attorney as state din any secondary authority in law is someone who turns someone over to the jurisdiction of the court. you represent or re-present someone who is not in their proper status or state of mind, a minor in law. you went to law school to learn procedures, not all the aspect of law. BLACK in law is civiliter mortuus, a minor in law, not a nation, not nationality, not a proper identity in law, not a jus soli or jus sanguinis. so stop playing games or go back to your law books and classes or get your money back, because they didnt teach you everything.

So Called Lawyer:

Yawn, entertaining verbosity, but no depth. Anyone that can pass the bar, background check and the LSAT can be a lawyer. And your comedic interpretation of what it means to be a member of a bar is just that comedic.


So this is the problem, these European attorneys, so called black lawyers who these celebrities go to an dour people go to, do not be surprise at the outcome. They are all about commerce, if you can your good with them, if they want to trap you on some bull and make an example out of you they will. None the less Attorneys AT law instead of Counselors of the law or Counselors IN law are agents for the BAR, the corporation, bankers and the court. They only way they can help is by reeducating themselves, then teaching the people the truth. There is a free law library in every republic, seek it out. Also seek out Judges, attorneys, Sheriff to build with. If you dont ask, they wont tell, trust me, I have spoken to a few. - MBI 360*

If your not unplugged, and get infected, you will become part of the problem.


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