
Queen Afua presents City of Wellness

Yesterday Guerrilla Republik journeyed with The City of Wellness at the National Black Theater in Harlem where they celebrated the Spring Equinox. At this Shut-In people from all regions join for a day of fasting and detoxing as they brought in the new year.

Members of Guerrilla Republik included Iz The Truth Captain of the Delaware Chapter, and TRIG Captain of the New York chapter along with photographer Jenny B and yours truly.-

" We got to see that Hip-Hop is not just music, it's a healing, through all elements."
With a theater full of people, members of The City of Wellness warned about the dangers of some foods, and spread the message of healing. As numbers of Artists, scholars, and authors graced the stage, they inspired and encouraged people to be a part of the growing movement that is saving, and jump starting people's lives.

Guerrilla Republik was noticed at this powerful event for its consistent support, and genuine will to heal as an organization and as individuals. Since Septemer of last year Guerrilla Republik along with World Music inc, have teamed up to spread the teachings of Queen Afua, who is the founder of The City Wellness. These two well known organizations who both promote self sufficiency, and advocate for innercity people, have now partnered in becoming a part of this international movement.

After the power charged shut-in, these three powerful organizations discussed future events including plans for a private retreat, and video shooting for Supa Nova Slom who is also part of the hip-hop movement.

As they are an entity in the community, Guerrilla Republik looks forward to being a vessel for healing, and continues to learn and grow with Queen Afua and the City of Wellness.

Honorable Mention to our extended family: The New Black Panther Party, Lynx, Momma Jenny (World Music Inc.), and Angie (Massage Therapist).
Fridam Marley

Queen Afua
is a nationally renowned herbalist, certified holistic health specialist who practices from a uniquely Afrocentric spiritual perspective. She is a Certified Colon Therapist, Polarity Practitioner, Hatha Yoga and Ari Ankh Ka Instructor, Lay Midwife, and Fasting Specialist. She has taught holistic health care at prestigious institutions such as NYC Downstate Medical Center and Long Island University Medical Center.
Queen Afua is also a lecturer and best selling author who has written several books, including: "Sacred Woman: A guide to healing the Feminine Body, Mind and Spirit", "Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity", and "The City of Wellness: Restoring your health through the Seven Kitchens of Consciousness". These books have been successful because they address issues that are current to the health crisis facing African American women. Thus many women have been transformed and have changed the way they look at holistic health care, ancestral healing, physical and emotional healing. What precedes Queen Afua's work and her City of Wellness movement is done due to the publication of her books, which have received national and international acclaim.

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