
Obama Claims CIA Involvement In Iran “Patently False”

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

President Barack Obama was forced to address accusations that the CIA was involved in fomenting the post-election riots in Iran during his White House press conference yesterday, claiming the allegations were “patently false,” despite the fact that the U.S. government publicly gave the CIA approval to undertake a destabilization campaign in Iran more than two years ago.

“There are reports suggesting that the CIA is behind all this - all of which is patently false but it gives you a sense of the narrative that the Iranian government would love to play into,” said Obama.

CIA involvement in Iran is not a “narrative” manufactured by the Iranian government, as Obama well knows.

As we highlighted in our report earlier this week, evidence of U.S. intelligence meddling in Iran is widespread, which is no surprise considering the fact that the U.S. all but announced they would pursue a destabilization campaign in Iran years ago.

In May 2007, the London Telegraph and others revealed that President George W. Bush had “Given the CIA approval to launch covert “black” operations to achieve regime change in Iran.”

On May 23, 2007, Brian Ross and Richard Esposito reported on ABC News: “The CIA has received secret presidential approval to mount a covert “black” operation to destabilize the Iranian government, current and former officials in the intelligence community tell ABC News.”

The plan set in motion CIA propaganda and disinformation campaigns “intended to destabilise, and eventually topple, the theocratic rule of the mullahs”.

It also released funds to bankroll the militant Jundullah organization, an Al-Qaeda offshoot formerly headed by the alleged mastermind of 9/11 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. The group has been blamed for a number of bombings inside Iran aimed at destabilizing Ahmadinejad’s government.

It is widely suspected that the well known right-wing terrorist organization known as Mujahedeen-e Khalq, once run by Saddam Hussein’s dreaded intelligence services, is now also working exclusively for the CIA’s Directorate of Operations and carrying out bombings in Iran. A large number of Mujahedeen-e Khalq members were arrested following riots last week, according to a Press TV report. The article claims that the men were “extensively trained in Iraq’s camp Ashraf to create post-election mayhem in the country”.

As part of CIA destabilization efforts in Iran, former Pakistani Army General Mirza Aslam Beig last week claimed that the Agency had distributed 400 million dollars inside Iran to evoke a revolution. Beig cited documents that prove “the CIA spent 400 million dollars inside Iran to prop up a colorful-hollow revolution following the election.”

The CIA program approved by Bush also included funding opposition groups and providing them with communications equipment that would bypass Internet censorship and allow demonstrators to communicate.

Twitter and other social networking websites have played a key role in the demonstrations. The U.S. State Department, which routinely demonizes the Internet as a tool of extremists and terrorists when it is used to criticize U.S. foreign policy, took the unprecedented step last week of requesting that Twitter.com “delay planned maintenance work so that Iranian protesters can continue to use it to post images and reports of unrest,” according to a London Times report.

According to several different reports, the CIA and Mossad has been creating fake Twitter feeds and flooding Iranians with SMS messages inspiring them to riot.

According to author Thierry Meyssan, Iranians received messages before the election votes had even been counted telling them that the Iranian Guardian Council had declared Mir-Hossein Mousavi to be the winner. When the official announcement of Ahmadinejad’s victory was later broadcast, the sentiment that fraud had took place was therefore amplified.

Meyssan also charges that the CIA and Mossad used Twitter feeds to put out fake reports of gun fights and deaths that were never confirmed, rousing Iranians to riot in the belief that their fellow countrymen were being brutally suppressed by the authorities.

Another website clearly documents the fact that the main Twitter accounts used to send out hundreds of alerts during the protests were only recently created and had not send out any alerts whatsoever before the protests began.

Top Neo-Cons with deep ties to the U.S. military-industrial complex like John Bolton and Henry Kissinger have been calling for the CIA to fund a ‘color revolution’ in Iran for years as a gateway to regime change.

Lest we forget that it was a violent CIA coup that led to the overthrow of the democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 under Operation Ajax. The ousting was achieved by means of staged bombings and shootings which were blamed on the Iranian government in order to antagonize the population and enable the coup. During the coup, the CIA also bribed Iranian government officials, businessmen, and reporters, and paid Iranians to demonstrate in the streets.

Given this history, allied with the U.S. government’s own public program to instigate a destabilization campaign in Iran through the CIA, Obama’s claim that CIA involvement is “patently false” is clearly contradicted by the facts. The only thing that’s “patently false” is Obama’s statement itself.

US Lawmakers Take Advantage To Target Iran Gasoline Imports.

US lawmakers are taking advantage of the election chaos in Iran to push through dangerous legislation targeting gasoline imports into Iran. This has been in the works for years even before the election controversy, it is a clear economic assault on the Iranian people.


Spurred on by post-election turmoil in Iran, a key committee in the US House of Representatives voted Tuesday to target the Islamic republic's gasoline imports and its domestic energy sector.

The House Appropriations Committee approved by voice vote a measure prohibiting the US Export-Import Bank from helping companies that export gasoline to Iran or support its production at home.

"While students are murdered in the streets of Tehran, we should not use taxpayer money to bolster the Iranian economy," said Republican Representative Mark Kirk, a leading author of the provision.

Because of a lack of domestic refining capacity, oil-rich Iran is dependent on gasoline imports to meet about 40 percent of domestic consumption.

Iran gets most of its gasoline imports from the Swiss firm Vitol, the Swiss/Dutch firm Trafigura, France's Total, the Swiss firm Glencore and British Petroleum, as well as the Indian firm Reliance.

In 2007 and 2008, the US Export-Import Bank approved two separate loan guarantees totaling 900 million dollars to expand the largest refinery owned by Reliance, which provides roughly one-third of Iran?s daily import of gasoline, Kirk's office said.

Kirks' measure was an amendment attached to the annual spending bill to cover the expenses of the US State Department and other US foreign operations, which must clear the House and Senate before being signed into law.

Even before protestors took to the streets of Tehran after the contested Iranian presidential election, lawmakers had targeted the Islamic republic's imports of refined petroleum products and foreign investments in its energy sector to break its defiance of global pressure over its suspect nuclear program.

US Kills 65 In Pakistan With New Drone Strike.

The vicious Obama bombing campaign continues in Pakistan, this time killing 65 including people trying to rescue survivors from the first wave of the attack.


On Thursday, US drones launched an attack on a compound in South Waziristan, and when locals rushed to the scene to rescue survivors, they launched more missiles at them, leaving a total of 13 dead. The timing and target of the attack were controversial, as was the tactic of luring locals in with a first strike to maximize the kill count. Today, locals were involved in a funeral procession when the US struck again.

Drones attacked what they suspected was a “militant hideout” early today, killing at least 17. When mourners gathered to offer prayers for those slain in the first attack, the drones struck again, attacking the procession it self and bringing the overall toll to at least 65, according to witnesses.

The recent attacks show a level of aggression and a willingness to target gatherings likely to contain many innocent people unseen in previous US strikes in the area. Generally speaking, most of the dozens of attacks against South Waziristan have been isolated strikes against buildings, and were not followed up with supplementary attacks on the gathering crowds.

The attacks come as the Pakistani government begins to ratchet up its own military offensive in the area. It is possible that the Pakistani military’s history of indiscriminate shelling of civilian targets and eagerness for massive kill counts is eliminating the diplomatic obstacles which have kept the deaths from the Americans’ own attacks comparatively low.

U.S. is VERY Interested in Iran Elections

Why the US Wants to Delegitimize the Iranian Elections


Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration.

How much attention do elections in Japan, India, Argentina, or any other country, get from the U.S. media? How many Americans and American journalists even know who is in political office in other countries besides England, France, and Germany? Who can name the political leaders of Switzerland, Holland, Brazil, Japan, or even China?

Yet, many know of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad. The reason is obvious. He is daily demonized in the U.S. media.

The U.S. media’s demonization of Ahmadinejad itself demonstrates American ignorance. The President of Iran is not the ruler. He is not the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. He cannot set policies outside the boundaries set by Iran’s rulers, the ayatollahs who are not willing for the Iranian Revolution to be overturned by American money in some color-coded “revolution.”

Iranians have a bitter experience with the United States government. Their first democratic election, after emerging from occupied and colonized status in the 1950s, was overturned by the U.S. government. The U.S. government installed in place of the elected candidate a dictator who tortured and murdered dissidents who thought Iran should be an independent country and not ruled by an American puppet.

The U.S. “superpower” has never forgiven the Iranian Islamic ayatollahs for the Iranian Revolution in the late 1970s, which overthrew the U.S. puppet government and held hostage U.S. embassy personnel, regarded as “a den of spies,” while Iranian students pieced together shredded embassy documents that proved America’s complicity in the destruction of Iranian democracy.

The government-controlled U.S. corporate media, a Ministry of Propaganda, has responded to the re-election of Ahmadinejad with non-stop reports of violent Iranians protests to a stolen election. A stolen election is presented as a fact, even thought there is no evidence for it whatsoever. The U.S. media’s response to the documented stolen elections during the George W. Bush/Karl Rove era was to ignore the evidence of real stolen elections.

Leaders of the puppet states of Great Britain and Germany have fallen in line with the American psychological warfare operation. The discredited British Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, expressed his “serioU.S. doubt” about Ahmadinejad’s victory to a meeting of European Union ministers in Luxembourg. Miliband, of course, has no source of independent information. He is simply following Washington’s instructions and relying on unsupported claims by the defeated candidate preferred by the U.S. Government.

Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, had her arm twisted, too. She called in the Iranian ambassador to demand “more transparency” on the elections.

Even the American left-wing has endorsed the U.S. government’s propaganda. Writing in The Nation, Robert Dreyfus’s presents the hysterical views of one Iranian dissident as if they are the definitive truth about “the illegitimate election,” terming it “a coup d’etat.”

What is the source of the information for the U.S. media and the American puppet states?

Nothing but the assertions of the defeated candidate, the one America prefers.

However, there is hard evidence to the contrary. An independent, objective poll was conducted in Iran by American pollsters prior to the election. The pollsters, Ken Ballen of the nonprofit Center for Public Opinion and Patrick Doherty of the nonprofit New America Foundation, describe their poll results in the June 15 Washington Post. The polling was funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and was conducted in Farsi “by a polling company whose work in the region for ABC News and the BBC has received an Emmy award.”*

The poll results, the only real information we have at this time, indicate that the election results reflect the will of the Iranian voters. Among the extremely interesting information revealed by the poll is the following:

“Many experts are claiming that the margin of victory of incumbent President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was the result of fraud or manipulation, but our nationwide public opinion survey of Iranians three weeks before the vote showed Ahmadinejad leading by a more than 2 to 1 margin -- greater than his actual apparent margin of victory in Friday's election.

“While Western news reports from Tehran in the days leading up to the voting portrayed an Iranian public enthusiastic about Ahmadinejad's principal opponent, Mir Hossein Moussavi, our scientific sampling from across all 30 of Iran's provinces showed Ahmadinejad well ahead.

“The breadth of Ahmadinejad's support was apparent in our pre-election survey. During the campaign, for instance, Moussavi emphasized his identity as an Azeri, the second-largest ethnic group in Iran after Persians, to woo Azeri voters. Our survey indicated, though, that Azeris favored Ahmadinejad by 2 to 1 over MoU.S.avi.

“Much commentary has portrayed Iranian youth and the Internet as harbingers of change in this election. But our poll found that only a third of Iranians even have access to the Internet, while 18-to-24-year-olds comprised the strongest voting bloc for Ahmadinejad of all age groups.

“The only demographic groups in which our survey found Moussavi leading or competitive with Ahmadinejad were university students and graduates, and the highest-income Iranians. When our poll was taken, almost a third of Iranians were also still undecided. Yet the baseline distributions we found then mirror the results reported by the Iranian authorities, indicating the possibility that the vote is not the product of widespread fraud.”

There have been numerous news reports that the U.S. government has implemented a program to destabilize Iran. There have been reports that the U.S. government has financed bombings and assassinations within Iran. The U.S. media treats these reports in a braggadocio manner as illustrations of the American Superpower’s ability to bring dissenting countries to heel, while some foreign media see these reports as evidence of the U.S. government’s inherent immorality.

Pakistan’s former military chief, General Mirza Aslam Beig, said on Pashto Radio on Monday, June 15, that undisputed intelligence proves the U.S. interfered in the Iranian election. “The documents prove that the CIA spent 400 million dollars inside Iran to prop up a colorful but hollow revolution following the election.”

The success of the U.S. government in financing color revolutions in former Soviet Georgia and Ukraine and in other parts of the former Soviet empire have been widely reported and discussed, with the U.S. media treating it as an indication of U.S. omnipotence and natural right and some foreign media as a sign of U.S. interference in the internal affairs of other countries. It is certainly within the realm of possibility that Mir Hossein Moussavi is a bought and paid for operative of the U.S. government.

We know for a fact that the U.S. government has psychological warfare operations that target both Americans and foreigners through the U.S. and foreign media. Many articles have been published on this subject.

Think about the Iranian election from a common sense standpoint. Neither myself nor the vast majority of readers are Iranian experts. But from a common sense standpoint, if your country was under constant threat of attack, even nuclear attack, from two countries with much more powerful military establishments, as is Iran from the U.S. and Israel, would you desert your country’s best defender and elect the preferred candidate of the U.S. and Israel?

Do you believe that the Iranian people would have voted to become an American puppet state?

Iran is an ancient and sophisticated society. Much of the intellectual class is secularized. A significant, but small, percentage of the youth has fallen in thrall to Western devotion to personal pleasure, and to self-absorption. These people are easily organized with American money to give their government and Islamic constraints on personal behavior the bird.

The U.S. government is taking advantage of these westernized Iranians to create a basis for discrediting the Iranian election and the Iranian government.

On June 14, the McClatchy Washington Bureau, which sometimes attempts to report the real news, acquiesced to Washington’s psychological warfare and declared: “Iran election result makes Obama’s outreach efforts harder.” What we see here is the raising of the ugly head of the excuse for “diplomatic failure,” leaving only a military solution.

As a person who has seen it all from inside the U.S. government, I believe that the purpose of the U.S. government’s manipulation of the American and puppet government media is to discredit the Iranian government by portraying the Iranian government as an oppressor of the Iranian people and a frustrater of the Iranian people’s will. This is how the U.S. government is setting up Iran for military attack.

With the help of Moussavi, the U.S. government is creating another “oppressed people,” like Iraqis under Saddam Hussein, who require American lives and money to liberate. Has Moussavi, the American candidate in the Iranian election who was roundly trounced, been chosen by Washington to become the American puppet ruler of Iran?

The great macho superpower is eager to restore its hegemony over the Iranian people, thus settling the score with the ayatollahs who overthrew American rule of Iran in 1978.
That is the script. You are watching it every minute on U.S. television.

There is no end of “experts” to support the script. For one example among hundreds, we have Gary Sick, who formerly served on the National Security Council and currently teaches at Columbia University:

"If they'd been a little more modest and said Ahmadinejad had won by 51 percent," Sick said, Iranians might have been dubious but more accepting. But the government's assertion that Ahmadinejad won with 62.6 percent of the vote, "is not credible."

"I think,” continued Sick, “it does mark a real transition point in the Iranian Revolution, from a position of claiming to have its legitimacy based on the support of the population, to a position that has increasingly relied on repression. The voice of the people is ignored."

The only hard information available is the poll referenced above. The poll found that Ahmadinejad was the favored candidate by a margin of two to one.

But as in everything else having to do with American hegemony over other peoples, facts and truth play no part. Lies and propaganda rule.

Consumed by its passion for hegemony, America is driven prevail over others, morality and justice be damned. This world-threatening script will play until America bankrupts itself and has so alienated the rest of the world that it is isolated and universally despised.



Graffiti artist 'Iz the Wiz' dies

Friday, June 19th 2009, 4:00 AM

Graffiti artist Michael (Iz the Wiz) Martin, a legendary figure who painted scores of subway trains during a prolific career, has died of an apparent heart attack, friends and blogs said yesterday. He was 49.

Martin collapsed at his brother's Florida home early Wednesday, and later died.

Known for his trademark "Iz" tag, Martin grew up in Queens and was a prominent figure among old-school graffiti artists and the hip-hop pioneers who hung out with them.

Just last week, he appeared at a Bronx art gallery where he painted lifesize replicas of subway cars for fans.

His career began in 1972 and spanned decades before the city virtually eliminated graffiti with new subway cars and stepped-up security.

Martin moved to Florida as his health declined in recent years and he had trouble paying rent and health care expenses, friends said.

Online message boards and graffiti appreciation sites were filled with condolence messages for Martin last night.

Martin once served as president of graffiti group The Master Blasters and the Queens division of Prisoners Of Graffiti.

Martin appeared in the documentary film "Style Wars" and portrayed a transit police detective in the film "Wild Style."

His work has been displayed in museums and galleries throughout the world, including a 2001 exhibit at the Queens Museum of Art.



Gracie Insider - DrowningTechnique

Getting drowned? Heres what you gotta do.


Gracie Diet: Fruit Picking Techniques

Here is Rener Gracie one of my favorite Gracie instructors at the Gracie Academy. Trained me for 2 years about.

Start the Day With Downward Facing Dog

My time last week at the Green Yoga Conference inspired me to reconnect with the environment. Many yoga postures are meant to embody different animals and help us remember our connection to nature. In the next few weeks, I’ll share several simple postures to celebrate the natural world. You may already know many of them, but this time when you practice them, get in touch with your inner animal before you focus on whether you’re toning your tummy or trimming your thighs. Focus on the posture’s vibe—yogis call this bhvar. This week, work on the Downward Facing Dog pose. Try to envision yourself as a slightly sleepy pup, just up from a nap; it’ll help you really feel energized by this stretch. By channeling your thoughts in this manner, you’ll have a completely different experience with this everyday pose.

Begin on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width and parallel fingers pointing forward. Keeping your arms very straight, curl your toes under and lift your hips up and back away from your hands, creating one straight line between your wrists, shoulders, and sit bones. Allow your head to relax. Begin to press your heels into the floor. Don’t worry if they don’t make it—the act of trying to press them down strengthens the legs and pulls the weight of your body back. If you need to keep a slight bend in your knees for your lower back, that’s fine—just keep lengthening the spine. Take some long, deep breaths and get into the feeling of being a dog!


Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Moves : Knee Bar Jiu Jitsu Technique

Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Moves : Guillotine Choke Jiu Jitsu Technique

Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Moves : Hip Toss to Arm Bar Jiu Jitsu

Ralek Gracie vs. Katsuyori Shibata

One of Rorion Gracie's sons Ralek Gracie. He was one of my instructors when i trained @ the Gracie Jiu Jitsu Academy in Torrance,Ca. I will post a few of his fights and some introduction moves.


CIA 'plot to kill Hugo Chavez'

The Venezuelan president said on state television that he had eluded an assassination attempt in El Salvador where he was due to attend the swearing in of its new leader, a Left-wing ally.

"I am not accusing Obama. I think the American president has good intentions," Mr Chavez said. "But over and above Obama, there is the CIA, and all of its tentacles. I have no doubt US intelligence services are behind this."

The plot was revealed by Mr Chavez's friend and ally, the Sandinista revolutionary President Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua.

El Salvador's security minister, Manuel Melgar, said that were "strange movements" and that the visit of the Venezuelan president could not be given "full security".

According to Mr Chavez, the Cuban plane that he and President Evo Morales of Bolivia were to travel on was going to be shot down by a rocket as it approached San Salvador airport.

Behind the plot, according to the Mr Chavez, was former CIA operative, Luis Posada Carriles, who is currently under house arrest in Florida, but wanted in Venezuela for the downing of a Cuban airliner in 1976 in which 74 people were killed.

He was also sentenced to eight years in prison in Panama for planning to kill Fidel Castro of Cuba, another Chavez ally, in 2000, but granted a surprise presidential pardon in 2004, which analysts insisted was the result of pressure from the US, perhaps the CIA.

Mr Chavez was ousted from power in April 2002 by a coup that was allegedly known to the CIA. Washington was one of only two countries to recognise the coup government, which was overthrown by popular protest after just 48 hours.

Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/southamerica/venezuela/5437251/CIA-plot-to-kill-Hugo-Chavez.html


Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and the Peoples!

Ben Powless (Mohawk), Indigenous Environmental Network - Youth network participated in this 4th Continental Indigenous Summit in Peru. IEN affiliates, Tonatierra (Tupac Enrique Acosta - Izkalotlan Pueblo), Western Shoshone Defense Project (Larson Bill), Jose Matus (Yaqui) of the Alianza Indigena Sin Fronteras of Tucson and Shannon Rivers, of the Akimel O’Otham Gila River Peoples also participated.

The Mama Quta Titikaka Declaration

October 12-16 Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and the Peoples!

Gathered at the Main Paqarina of the Mama Qota Titicaca Lake, 6500 delegates from organizations representing the Indigenous peoples from the 22 countries of the Abya Yala and our brothers peoples of Africa, United States, Canada, the Polar Circle and other parts of the world, with the participation of 500 observers from various social movements, we resolve:

To proclaim that we are witnessing a deep crisis of the Western capitalist civilization overlapping the environmental, energy and cultural crisis, the social exclusion and famines, as an expression of the failure of Eurocentrism and the colonialist Modernity that was born from ethnocide, and which is now carrying the whole humanity to its own slaughter.

To offer an alternative lifestyle against the civilization of death, rescuing our roots in order to project ourselves to our future, with our principles and practices of balance between men, women, Mother Earth, spiritual beings, cultures and peoples, all of which we call Good Living / Living Well. We are a diversity of thousands of civilizations with over 40 thousand years of history, which were invaded and colonized by those who, just five centuries later, are leading us to a planetary suicide. To defend our food sovereignty, giving priority to native crops, domestic consumption and communitarian economies. To provide power to our organizations so that they can improve our Living Well strategies, and to exercise them within our community governments.

To build Communitarian and Nationality Plural States based on the self governance, the self-determination of peoples, the reconstitution of the original nations and territories. With legislative, judicial and electoral systems and public intercultural policies, political representation as people without intervention from political parties. To fight for new Constitutions in all those countries that still do not recognize the plural nationality. The Nationality Plural States are to be not only for Indigenous peoples but for all the excluded people. Everything is for Everyone, we make an open call to all social movements and social leaders for an intercultural dialogue, with respect and horizontally structured, that will overcome verticality and invisibility.

To reconstitute our ancestral territories, as a source of our identity, our spirituality, history and our future. We the peoples and our territories are one entity. To reject all forms of land division, privatization, concession, predation and pollution from extractive industries. To demand the consultation and a prior consent from free and informed public, in our own languages, in good faith, and through representative organizations of our peoples, not just about projects but any policy and development plans. To demand the decriminalization of the Coca leaf.

To confirm the organization of the Minga (collective communal organization) of the Global Mobilization in Defense of Mother Earth and the Peoples, against the commercialization of life (including land, forests, water, sea, agrofuels, external debt) and the pollution (extractive transnationals, international financial institutions, GMOs, pesticides, toxic consumption), and the criminalization of the Indigenous and social movements, to be held from October 12 to 16, 2009.

To build a Climate Justice Tribunal to trial the transnational corporations and the complicit governments that are predating the Mother Nature, plundering our natural resources and violating our rights, as the first step towards an International Court of Environmental Crimes.

To organize an Alternative Summit in defense of the Mother Earth during the Convention on Climate Change in Copenhagen of December 2009, in order to push for effective actions facing the climate disaster, such as the consolidation of Indigenous territories, the Good Living model and the prior consultation and consent, as strategies to save the planet.

To address the criminalization of the practice of our rights, militarization, foreign bases, forced displacement and genocide among our peoples, through alliances and a broad mobilization for the amnesty of all our leaders and authorities on trial and imprisoned, especially for the fighters for freedom and for life who are in prisons of the United States and around the world. To support and to expand the demands presented before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. To promote the international trial of the governments of Colombia, Peru and Chile.

The trial of the government of Alvaro Uribe Velez, for committing genocide against Colombian Indigenous peoples. The Chilean State for enforcing an antiterrorism law, for the persecution and prosecution of the Mapuche peoples demands, for crimes against Mapuche leaders and the militarization of the Wallmapu territory. Trial of Alan Garcia for the legislative self coup including 102 pro FTA legislative decrees, which privatize Indigenous territories, and prosecuting and persecuting over a thousand innocent community leaders.

To implement our rights, demanding to all countries to give the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples the status of national law, following the leadership from Bolivia, Australia, Mexico, Venezuela, among other countries. And that includes the right of communication of the Indigenous peoples. If President Barack Obama wants to make changes within the imperial disaster, he should start at home, and pass into law the UN Declaration on Indigenous Peoples in the United States.

To mobilize our organizations in defense of the struggle of the Amazon Indigenous peoples in Peru against the rules of privatizing their territories and natural resources. Their struggle is ours. To organize strikes during the first week of June in front of every Embassy of Peru in each of our countries, demanding the solution and not repression for our brothers and sisters. In that regards the Indigenous and farmers organizations of Peru agreed to hold an immediate National Strike of the Peoples of Peru by June 2009 demanding the repeal of the anti Indigenous decrees resulted from the U.S.-Peru FTA.

To reject the Free Trade Agreements with United States, Europe, Canada, China and other countries, which destroy our economies, and are new ways of people’s subjugation and the plundering of Mother Earth. We reject the tactics of the European Union along with the dictators of Peru and Colombia in order to destroy the Andean Community and to impose their FTA.

To mobilize our organizations and social movements of our countries in defense of the liberation process initiated in Bolivia, to reject any coup, separatist, racist and assassination attempts from the local oligarchy and the U.S. empire. To reject the political asylum granted by the Peruvian government to Bolivians génocidaires. And in that regards we agree to hold the V Summit of Indigenous Peoples of the Abya Yala in 2011, in the Qollasuyu region of Bolivia.

To strengthen our own bilingual and intercultural education systems and Indigenous health care models, to move forward in the liberation of the knowledge, in particular, to stop the biopiracy, defending our special policy of intellectual heritage of the Indigenous peoples with a collective and transgenerational nature.

To support the struggle of the peoples of the world against imperial powers, including the end of the embargo against Cuba, the Israel desoccupation of Palestinian territories, and in behalf of the collective rights of the Masai, Mohawk, Shoshoni, Same, Kurdish, Catalan and Basque peoples among others.

To construct models of alternative models of living facing the crisis of Western civilization and its colonial Modernity, through a Forum on the Crisis of Western Civilization, Decolonization, Good Living among others topics, to be held in Cusco, on March 26 to 28, 2010.

To globalize our struggles through the organization of the First Summit of Indigenous Communications in 2011, in Cauca, Colombia, the First Indigenous Summit of Water; the Summit of Indigenous Communicators, and the Second Continental Summit of Indigenous Women by 2011 within the V Summit of Indigenous Peoples.

To create the Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of the Abya Yala Coordinator, in order to continue the process of organizing from bottom up, and creating committees of Indigenous women, adolescents, children, youth and communicators, and particularly the regional integration in North America. This Abya Yala Coordinator is to monitor the Organization of American States and the United Nations, to overcome their subordination to the imperial power, and otherwise the United Nations of the Abya Yala and the World should be created.

The land does not belong to us, we belong to it!
The condor and the eagle fly together again!

Mama Quta Titicaca, May 31, 2009


Declaración de Mama Quta Titikaka

¡12 al 16 de Octubre Movilización global en Defensa de la Madre Tierra y los Pueblos !

Reunidos en la Paqarina Mayor de Lago Mama Qota Titikaka, 6500 delegados de las organizaciones representativas de los pueblos indígenas originarios de 22 países del Abya Yala y pueblos hermanos de África, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Circulo Polar y otras partes del mundo, con la participación de 500 observadores de diversos movimientos sociales, resolvemos lo siguiente:

Proclamar que asistimos a una profunda crisis de la civilización occidental capitalista donde se superponen las crisis ambiental, energética, cultural, de exclusión social, hambrunas, como expresión del fracaso del eurocentrismo y de la modernidad colonialista nacida desde el etnocidio, y que ahora lleva a la humanidad entera al sacrificio.

Ofrecer una alternativa de vida frente a la civilización de la muerte, recogiendo nuestras raíces para proyectarnos al futuro, con nuestros principios y prácticas de equilibrio entre los hombres, mujeres, Madre Tierra, espiritualidades, culturas y pueblos, que denominamos Buen Vivir / Vivir Bien. Una diversidad de miles de civilizaciones con más de 40 mil años de historia que fueron invadidas y colonizadas por quienes, apenas cinco siglos después, nos están llevando al suicidio planetario. Defender la soberanía alimentaria, priorizando los cultivos nativos, el consumo interno y las economías comunitarias. Mandato para que nuestras organizaciones profundicen nuestras estrategias Buen Vivir y las ejerciten desde nuestros gobiernos comunitarios.

Construir Estados Plurinacionales Comunitarios, que se fundamenten en el autogobierno, la libre determinación de los pueblos, la reconstitución de los territorios y naciones originarias. Con sistemas legislativos, judiciales, electorales y políticas públicas interculturales, representación política como pueblos sin mediación de partidos políticos. Luchar por nuevas constituciones en todos aquellos países que aún no reconocen la plurinacionalidad. Estados Plurinacionales no solo para los pueblos indígenas, sino para todos los excluidos. Para Todos Todo y haciendo un llamado a los movimientos sociales y actores sociales para un diálogo intercultural, respetuoso y horizontal, que supere verticalismos e invisibilizaciones.

Reconstituir nuestros territorios ancestrales como fuente de nuestra identidad, espiritualidad, historia y futuro. Los pueblos y nuestros territorios somos uno solo. Rechazar todas las formas de parcelación, privatización, concesión, depredación y contaminación por parte de las industrias extractivas. Exigir la consulta y el consentimiento previo, libre e informado, público, en lengua propia, de buena fe, a través de las organizaciones representativas de nuestros pueblos, no solo de los proyectos sino de toda política y norma de desarrollo nacional. Exigir la despenalización de la hoja de coca.

Ratificar la organización de la Minga / Movilización Global en defensa de la Madre Tierra y de los Pueblos, contra la mercantilización de la vida (tierras, bosques, agua, mares, agrocombustibles, deuda externa), contaminación (transnacionales extractivas, instituciones financieras internacionales, transgénicos, pesticidas, consumo tóxico) y criminalización de movimientos indígenas y sociales, del 12 al 16 de octubre.

Construir un Tribunal de Justicia Climática que juzgue a las empresas transnacionales y los gobiernos cómplices que depredan la Madre Naturaleza, saquean nuestros bienes naturales y vulneran nuestros derechos, como el primer paso hacia una Corte Internacional sobre Delitos Ambientales.

Organizar durante la Convención de Cambio Climático de Copenhague, en diciembre 2009, una Cumbre Alternativa en defensa de la Madre Tierra para presionar por medidas efectivas, ante la hecatombe climática, como la consolidación de territorios indígenas, buen vivir y consulta y consentimiento previo, asumidos como estrategias para salvar al planeta.

Enfrentar la criminalización del ejercicio de nuestros derechos, militarización, bases extranjeras, desplazamientos forzados y genocidios en nuestros pueblos a través de alianzas y una amplia movilización por la amnistía de todos nuestros líderes y dirigentes procesados y encarcelados, especialmente por los luchadores por la libertad y la vida que se encuentran en cárceles en Estados Unidos y del mundo. Respaldar y ampliar las denuncias presentadas ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y el Comité de Erradicación de la Discriminación Racial de la ONU. Impulsar el juicio internacional a los gobiernos de Colombia, Perú y Chile.

Al gobierno de Álvaro Uribe Vélez por el genocidio de los pueblos indígenas colombianos; al Estado chileno por la aplicación de la ley antiterrorista, persecución y judicialización de la demanda mapuche, los crímenes sobre lideres mapuches y la milititarización del wallmapu; y a Alan García por el auto golpe legislativo de los 102 decretos pro TLC para privatizar los territorios indígenas y los mas de mil lideres perseguidos y enjuiciados.

Implementar nuestros derechos, exigiendo que se dé rango de Ley Nacional a la Declaración sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas de la ONU, siguiendo el ejemplo de Bolivia, Australia, México, Venezuela, entre otros países. Y que incluye el derecho a la comunicación de los pueblos indígenas. Si Barack Obama quiere hacer cambios en el desastre imperial, debe empezar por casa, y aprobar como ley en Estados Unidos, la Declaración de la ONU sobre Pueblos Indígenas.

Movilizar nuestras organizaciones en defensa de la lucha de los pueblos indígenas de la amazonía peruana contra las normas privatizadoras de sus territorios y bienes naturales. Su lucha es la nuestra. Organizar en la primera semana de junio plantones frente a las embajadas del Perú en cada uno de nuestros países, exigiendo solución y no represión para nuestros hermanos. Y en esa dirección las organizaciones indígenas y campesinas del Perú acordamos un inmediato Levantamiento Nacional de los Pueblos del Perú en junio del 2009 por la derogatoria de los decretos anti indígenas generados por el TLC con Estados Unidos.

Rechazar los Tratados de Libre Comercio de Estados Unidos, Europa, Canadà, China y otros países, con nuestras economías quebradas, como nuevos candados de sometimiento a los pueblos y saqueo de la madre Tierra. Rechazamos las maniobra de la Unión Europea junto con los dictadores de Perú y Colombia para destruir la Comunidad Andina e imponer el TLC.

Movilizar nuestras organizaciones y movimientos sociales de nuestros países en defensa del proceso de descolonialidad iniciado en Bolivia, rechazar los intentos golpistas, separatistas, racistas y magnicidas de la oligarquía local y el imperio norteamericano. Rechazar los asilos políticos concedidos por el gobierno peruano a los genocidas bolivianos. Y en esa dirección acordamos realizar la V Cumbre de Pueblos Indígenas del Abya Yala el 2011 en el Qollasuyu / Bolivia.

Fortalecer nuestros propios sistemas educación intercultural bilingüe y de salud indígena, para avanzar en la descolonialidad del saber, y en especial, detener la biopiratería, defendiendo nuestro régimen especial de patrimonio intelectual especial de los pueblos indígenas de carácter colectivo y transgeneracional.

Respaldar la lucha de los pueblos del mundo contra los poderes imperiales, lo que incluye el cese del bloqueo a Cuba, la salida de Israel de territorios palestinos, los derechos colectivos de los pueblos Masai, Mohawk, Shoshoni, Same, Kurdo, Catalán, Vasco, entre otros.

Construir paradigmas de vida alternativos a la crisis de la civilización occidental y su modernidad colonial, a través de un Foro sobre Crisis de la Civilización Occidental, Descolonialidad, Buen Vivir, entre otros, a realizarse en Cusco, del 26 al 28 de marzo del 2010

Globalizar nuestras luchas a través de la realización de la I Cumbre de Comunicación Indígena en el 2011, en el Cauca, Colombia; la I Cumbre Indígena del Agua; Cumbre de Comunicadores Indígenas, y la II Cumbre Continental de Mujeres Indígenas el 2011 en el marco de la V Cumbre de Pueblos Indígenas.

Constituir la Coordinadora de Pueblos y Nacionalidades Indígenas del Abya Yala, continuando el proceso de conformación de abajo hacia arriba, conformando comisiones de mujeres, adolescentes, niños, jóvenes y comunicadores indígenas, y en especial de la articulación regional en Norteamérica. Coordinadora del Abya Yala que vigile a la Organización de Estados Americanos y la Organización de Naciones Unidas, para superar su subordinación al poder imperial y que de no hacerlo construir la Organización de Naciones Unidas del Abya Yala y del Mundo.

¡ La tierra no nos pertenece, nosotros pertenecemos a ella !
¡ El cóndor y el águila vuelan juntos otra vez ¡

Mama Quta Titikaka, 31 de mayo de 2009


El 5to Elemento

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Sistema Sur From Madrid via Venezuela Ft. Read Nex Poets own Cutz El Colombiano
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